Transport Modal Solutions
Muralis Mobility Vertical stands out as an authority in the scenario of solutions aimed at this segment, offering robust and innovative solutions. With proven experience in developing toll system architectures, mobile solutions that revolutionize the administration of payments at toll plazas, the creation of indicative systems to support operational and financial decisions, in addition to intelligent fleet management and georeferenced monitoring.
Through our work on projects involving renowned players, such as ECORODOVIAS and ARTERIS, we help to develop innovative solutions such as VALE PEDÁGIO OBLIGATÓRIO and PORTAL PJ for important OSAs such as Veloe and SEM PARAR.
With a team of experts with more than two decades of experience, we have designed architectures and developed solutions that ensure compliance with the regulations of entities such as ARTESP and ANTT. With this vast experience in the road sector, we have consolidated our position as one of the main suppliers of systems for roads.
Using cutting-edge technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Cloud Computing and DevOps, our talent lies in creating robust and innovative solutions. Muralis' mission in the Mobility segment is clear: shaping the future of mobility through cutting-edge solutions.